Come along on my faith-based, encouraging, and humorous journey as the Lord Heals me from the invasion of breast cancer.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hope and Faith

Hope is not a wish. Hope is as solid as cement. It is not based on a wish on a star or before you blow out birthday candles. NO - Hope is tangible. Rock solid trust from the spirit. Hope lives in your core. Gives strength to you from the inside out.

In Strong's concordance - hope is defined as the expectation of good. Expected good, not a wimpy 'hope so'  But a strong I expect it to be.

Faith in Strong's means the conviction of the truth of a matter. Belief.

Hope and Faith are backed by God's Word.

Hebrews 11:1

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

We have good reason to fear not.  FAITH and HOPE

Now there are things that undermine our faith and hope
Faith stealers  
1. Negative thinking - confessing doom, bad reports rather than the Word of God
2. Not Reading the Word of God but wallowing in the lust and dust of the world.
3. Surrounding yourself with those who do not believe.
4. Knowledge without wisdom - 
5. Believing the EELs - Enemy's Evil Lies
6. Failure to spend time with the Lord
7. Fear is the biggest faith stealer there is. A believer should only fear God.

Instead - build up your faith and hope 
1. Read the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things you need to know.
2. Surround yourself with those who can believe and pray the prayer of faith
3. Immerse yourself in the things of God. 
4. Take the Lord's communion and ask if there be anything you need to repent of or anyone you need to ask forgiveness of.
5. Stir up the faith God has given you. For faith is a gift.  Eph 2:8
6. Put on the whole armor of God
7. Resist the devil
8. Write down the promises of God - scriptures that speak to your heart
9. Meditate on those. Memorize them. Speak them aloud. Record them and listen to yourself state the truth.
10. Rejoice, Praise the Lord, rejoice

Go boldly rejoicing in the Lord. For in Him we live and will not be defeated.


1 John 5:4

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.


  1. Joining my prayers to yours, in the mighty name of Our Lord and Savior and Healer, Jesus Christ!

    Go to and listen to last week's message, Love's Great Desire or something. Sooo powerful! It will definitely encourage you.

    1. Thanks Margo,
      I'll trot on over to the website
      And thanks for the prayers
      I know the Lord hears them
