Chemotherapy is now called SMART BOMBS. Holy Spirit guided missiles that will wipe out cancer cells.
Stranger Danger - commanding my cells to report any intruder cells so that my cancer fighters can find the intruders and destroy them.
Praying that the Lord would shield my good cells from the effects of the Smart Bomb therapy.
I'm using the recorder on my phone and speaking scriptures into it. Then I can play it back whenever I want to. Especially at night when I go to sleep. I'm not sure how long a recording I can make. BUT I am getting the word in me. : )
Start every day in prayer and the Word. Eat the Bread of Life to start the day. I live in Christ. In Him I am alive. Apart from Him I am subject to the enemy's attacks. STAY in the Word, eat it, ponder on it, memorize it, speak it aloud, walk in it.
Revelation this morning - take God at His Word.!!!
Think we are going with Baylor.
Going to work on my breathing exercises. Check out the Buteyko Normal Breathing site in my links. It makes sense to me. Already my asthma is so much better from the little I have done.
Who hooo - on the way to health.. Good by cancer blob - you are dead at the root and have no rights to trespass on this temple of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit - Will partake of the Lord's Supper every day.
Body - food - Working my way through veggie land. How to eat healthy. Whew lots of info.
exercise - Bounce on my little trampoline as often as I can. Read if you bounce 2 minutes every hour that will keep your lymph nodes flushed and working properly. LOL My Kangaroo strategy,
Soul - Seek the Lord as to what He would direct me to do, experience, read.
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